(STCW 2010 Course)

Survival Craft and Rescue Boat other than Fast Rescue Boats

Duration: 5 Days
Training Date: 2019-11-04

Course Description:

The objective of this course is to give all persons who meet the entry requirements of the course and who are assigned to crew a ship’s or offshore installation’s lifeboat and rescue boat, other than a fast rescue boat, the necessary skills and knowledge to be able to safely and efficiently launch and take charge of the lifeboat and rescue boat in emergency situations.

The course will also provide the student with knowledge and skills to safely launch a freefall lifeboat.

Every candidate applying for a certificate of Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boat other than Fast Rescue Boats shall be required to demonstrate competence as required in the (2010 Amended) STCW-95 Convention Chapter VI, Section A-VI/2-1.

Course Assessment:

Assessment is continuous during the course, with a final written and oral assessment on the last day.

Course Certification

Successful candidates will receive certificate of Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boat other than Fast Rescue Boats.

Course Requirement:

1. Valid STCW '10 Basic Safety Training Certificate
2. Hold a navigation watch ratings certificate, or steering certificate or proof of sufficient experience
3. Medical fitness certificate
4. Not less than 18 years of age
5. Have a minimum of 6 months sea-going service.
Candidates must provide any of these means of identification such as discharge book, international passport, national identity card etc.

Course Fee:
